Country Code

Country Code of Japan: All You Need To Know

Japan Country Code

I love to read and write. A professional working in the content writing domain and digital marketing industry over the last 3 years in various niches of tech and e-commerce.

Japan is one of the advanced countries in the world today located in East Asia. Geographically, it covered an area of about 377975 Sq.Km which mostly consisted of the Chain of Islands among them Shikoku, Hokkaido,Kyusho, and Honshu are the most famous ones. Japan has breathtaking visuals of mountains to the bustling city of Tokyo where the population is heavily dense. It has a population of over 126 million which is also one of the higher numbers of older people with around 30 percent people are over the age of 65 or more. The country has a rich traditional history dating back more than 2000 years and also at the forefront of the development in the modern age in electronics, automobile, and technology. Toyota is the universally known automobile Japanese brand known for its reliability and high quality. Due to its primacy as the 4th largest economy in the world today it enjoys significant influence at global level especially in trade, business and technological cooperation. Millions of people visit it every year and for people and businesses all over the world it is essential to connect with Japan. For this purpose, the country code of Japan is important to know about.

What is the Country Code of Japan?

The country code of Japan is +81 which is the unique number which makes the connections with the rest of the world possible in accordance with the international telecommunication network. For any sort of communication across the Japanese orders from other countries for individuals, business, trailers, multinational corporations and even organizations use of +81 country code for Japan is a must for making international calls. For a person living in Spain it is important to dial the correct country code of Japan along with the area code and local number to whom the international call is made. Knowing the country code of Japan which is +81 is the initial step, you must also get the correct area code and subscriber number for a successful international call.

Area Codes of Japan

These area codes of Japan are the fundamental element in the telecommunication system for routing of calls at both domestic and for international calls. For successful operationalization of the telecom system which allows people living in different regions and areas to connect with each seamlessly as each area is assigned a unique area code. Basically, these consist of 1-3 digits for different regions and cities. For example, the area code of Tokyo is 3 while the area code of Hiroshima is 082. Remember, mobile phones in Japan do not use area codes. You can dial them directly.

Essentially, for an international call you need an area code of the region or city in which the resident of the intended call is living. For example, if you are calling a friend in Osaka then you must use 06 area code with country code +81 before making that call.

Here is the list of regions and cities with their area codes.

City/Region Area Code
Tokyo 3
Yokohama (Kanagawa) 45
Osaka 6
Kyoto 75
Sapporo (Hokkaido) 11
Nagoya (Aichi) 52
Fukuoka 92
Hiroshima 82
Sendai (Miyagi) 22
Kobe (Hyogo) 78
Chiba 43
Shizuoka 54
Kawasaki (Kanagawa) 44
Saitama 48
Naha (Okinawa) 98

Calling Format For Japan

There is a proper procedure and some practical steps you need to follow for a successful calling at both national and international level for Japan. The correct calling format begins with the +81 the country code of Japan, the second step is to enter the area code in which you are calling in Japan which is 75 if you are calling in Kyoto then the third step is entering the correct local number. If you are calling a frowned living in Tokyo while you are living in another city. You will include the area code of Tokyo 03 before dialling the local number. 

Remember, if you are living outside Japan, then using the +81 country code of Japan is mandatory for you. Let’s understand it by an example: Imagine you are living in New Delhi and want to call a friend living in Osaka. You need to dial the country code of Japan +81 with the area code of Osaka is 6. This is followed by the local number of your friend 12345678. Overall number you will dial will look like this: +81 6-1234-5678.

International Calling Format For Japan

It consists of 4 parts.

International access code: It is a two digit code you dial before country code. If calling from US dial 00, if Pakistan dial 00.

Country code: The country code of Japan is +81. 

Area code: Enter the area code of the city you are calling. For Tokyo enter 3. 

Local number: Dial the subscriber number. 12345678

Complete Format: 00-81-3-98712356

Different Japan Phone Numbers With Examples

There are following calling examples in Japan from landline and mobile to different sorts of numbers. 

  • When You Call Japan on Landline From Another Country 

If you want to call a family member living in Tokyo while living in New York City then you must dial US exit code 011, country code +81 of Japan, Area code of Tokyo and number of your family member living in the city. 

Your dialled number will look like this: 011-81-3-98712345

  • When You Call a Friend While Living in Same Area in Japan

Imagine you are living in the same city (Osaka) as your friend but on the other end of the city.

As you live in Osaka as well. Your dialed number will not include an area code of the city. 

It will look like this without any area code in a domestic call format : 98712356

  • When You Call A Resident Living in A Different City From Yours in Japan

The calling format will be changed when you live in a different city from the resident whom you intend to call in Japan. For instance, you are living in Tokyo  and want to call a landline in Osaka.

Your dialed number will include the area code of Osaka and a number of residents.

It will look like this when dialing: 06-1230-9856

  • When You Call on Mobile From Abroad

Whenever you are outside the country, let’s say you are in Portugal there is no need to enter the area code when calling on a mobile number of a friend living in Japan.

The mobile number does not include area code of the city or region in which the intended individual is living. You only enter the +81 area code of Japan plus the subscriber’s number.

Your dialed number will look like this: 00-81-90-1234-7895

  • Calling on Mobile At Domestic Level

If you are calling on a mobile number while living in Japan there is no need to enter the area code. Also forget about entering the country code as well. You only need to enter the direct mobile number of the recipient. 

Your dialed number will look like this: 090-5678-1234

  • When You Call A Toll-Free Number in Japan

If you want to call a toll-free number in Japan while living in another country then the format of calling country code of japan +81 followed by prefix of toll-free number then the local number designated to it. Remember, the toll-free numbers start with a prefix of 0120. 

Your dialed number will look like this: 00+81+120+123-456

  • If You Want to Call An Emergency Number Domestically

Whenever you want to call an emergency number remember that there is no area code for this purpose. These are short numbers and have a direct link to the concerned services for citizens who need urgent help. 

For instance, for Police you will dial 110, and for ambulances you will dial 119. These numbers work equally across the regions in both urban and rural cities.

5 Things to Keep in Mind While Calling in Japan

Keeping these 5 things in mind will save you from many of the stresses or discomfort you might feel when calling in Japan.

1.Always Enter the Correct Country Code of Japan: +81

This is the fundamental step or point you need to keep in mind when calling in Japan from abroad. The use of the correct country code of Japan which is +81 is of highest importance as your call will never route to the correct person if you failed to get this right. With the county code you dial the area code and the recipient number. For example, your dialed number will look like this from Sri Lanka: 00-81-9871-2347 

2. Remember To Drop Zero of Area Codes

In order to correctly route the call to your friend living in Osaka you need to drop the leading zero with the area code of Osaka. For example, the area code of Oska is 06 but when you are dialing it with the country code of Japan +81 you will drop the zero from the area code. 

Your dialed number with country code will look like this: +816

3. Dial Format of Mobile Numbers Correctly

One of the essential things to remember is to dial the correct format for mobile phones  international calling in Japan. Typically, the numbers start with 070,080, and 090 in Japan and also you do not add area code with these numbers. The number will feature the +81 country code of Japan dropping the leading zero in the prefix of mobile numbers without area code.

The dialed number will look like this:  +81-90-9876-5412

4. Be Conscious of Time Zone Differences For Smooth Conversations

Whenever you perform an international call it is important to know the time zone differences between the host country and the country you are calling. This is more important when it comes to meetings and businesses. You can only have a meaningful meeting with a business partner in Tokyo if you call within the business hours.

In Japan there is Japanese Standard Time (JST) which is 9 hours ahead of UTC. For example, if you are living in New York and want to call in for a meeting in the afternoon in Japan. The time difference will not make this call successful due to time zone difference.

5. Politeness in Communication For Better Conversations

It is always polite to know a few basic Japanese greetings when calling in Japan. For instance, the polite way of saying hello in Japanese is “ Moshi Moshi” . It helps building rapport with the speaker. Also use respectful titles with the person of high status especially if you do not know the person. For example, use “san” after the person’s name which is a symbol of respect as well.


Remember, the +81 country code of Japan is essential for international calling experience if you live abroad and want to connect with someone living in Japan. Knowing the correct county code followed by the area code makes international calling experience possible. In Japan, different areas have unique area codes. For example, Okninwa has area code 098 while Saga has area code of 093. You dial these area codes after the country code of Japan followed by the recipient number for a successful international calling experience. However, you do not need area code while living in the same city as the person whom you are calling. Though you will need to enter area codes while living in different cities of Japan on landline.

Keep this in your mind that when calling on a mobile number you do not need to add area codes in it you simply start with the country code of Japan +81 followed by the user number when you intend to call. Also time zone difference is of the essence as for all practical purposes in the business world calling within business hours is very crucial as the Japanese Time Zone is 9 hours ahead of UTC. For the thriving world dof Japan first rule is to correctly dial the number in the correct format for international calling.